Dentures and dental implants are common dental restoration methods for people who either have missing or damaged teeth. This is because both dentures and implants have many benefits for your oral health. For example, they both help to chew and they improve speech. However, before you decide on which one to get, it is always best to consult with your dentist since there are many factors to consider. These include durability, procedure, and cost. Below is a detailed look at some things that you need to consider before getting implants or dentures
[[[H2:Durability]] If you properly care for your dental implants, they can last for over 10 years or even a lifetime without a replacement. While dentures can only last for five to seven years with good oral care. This means that in the long run, dental implants are a better investment.
[[[H2:Procedure]] ]Installing dental implants usually takes two surgical procedures. This is because dentists install dental implants in the jawbone. Dentists perform these procedures under local anesthesia at the dental office. The first procedure involves installing the dental implant. Once the implant fuses with the jawbone, the dentist places a dental crown.
Fitting your dentures is a faster and less complex process compared to getting implants. The procedure starts with the dentist making an impression of your teeth. Thereafter, a dental practitioner will make dentures for your specific dental formula. The dentist will then install the dentures.
All the above factors are important in deciding between implants and dentures. However, the best way to know which one is best for you is to consult with a dentist. The dentist will assess your case and offer the most appropriate treatment plan for your specific case. Give us a call to schedule your next appointment.
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