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Why Are My Teeth Loose?

Posted on 3/1/2024 by Weo Admin
Older man in dental chair at his appointment atKeizer Family Dental in Keizer, ORKids often develop loose teeth as the milk teeth fall out in preparation for permanent teeth. However, we cannot say the same about grown-ups. After all, adults have permanent teeth. If your teeth seem loose, you probably have an underlying dental issue. A dentist can examine your loose teeth and diagnose any hidden problems. Understanding the causes of loose teeth in adults can help you know when to schedule a dental visit.

Gum Inflammation and Periodontitis

Advanced periodontitis or gum disease is one of the major causes of tooth mobility in adults. If untreated, it can cause tooth loss. This disease affects the gums, surrounding tissue, and jawbone. As it progresses, your gums will recede, exposing the tooth root. It might also create deep pockets between your teeth, causing them to become loose.

Oral Injuries and Dental Trauma

Your teeth might become loose because of dental trauma. Oral injuries and trauma can exert significant force on your teeth, causing them to become loose. You can prevent the impact of oral trauma by wearing a mouthguard or helmet when playing contact sports or riding a bike.

Bone Loss and Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis or osteopenia is a disorder of the bones characterized by bone deterioration. It causes the bones to become brittle and fragile, losing their mass and density. The condition can affect the jawbone, causing your jaws to become weak. When this occurs, your teeth will not have enough support to stay in place. You can manage the condition using various medications prescribed by a dental professional.

Hormonal Changes in Pregnancy

Pregnant mothers often experience hormonal changes during pregnancy. These changes can impact your oral health. They can inflame the gums and increase the likelihood of developing gingivitis. If untreated, gingivitis might progress to gum disease and eventually deteriorate to advanced periodontitis, causing your teeth to become loose. You can stop the condition from worsening by seeing a dentist.

Contact Us Today

If you have loose teeth, contact our dental professional immediately to make an appointment. Visit our practice for expert dental assistance.

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